Quarterly Bulletin
The South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) first mobile application (mobile app) is now available in app stores. This app gives users access to current and historical Quarterly Bulletin publications, and provides quick and easy access to related data and information. Key features of the app include the ability to perform advanced searches and computations on time series data, and export results in different formats. To download the app, simply go to the app stores and get the latest copy of the Quarterly Bulletin.
The South African Reserve Bank mobile application is available from the following sites:
Key Statistics
Institutional Sector Classification Guide for SA
C Form Guide
Advance Release Calendar
If you have further questions about the quarterly bulletin, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Quarterly Bulletin Publications
Download information from zipped data files
Download information from XLSX data files
Statistical tables - secondary school assignments
Changes to Quarterly Bulletin tables
List of descriptions of all available Quarterly Bulletin time series