Guide for the Completion of Statistical Returns by Public-Sector Institutions
The Form F02 and Form F04 surveys are conducted for statistical reasons in order to compile a complete set of national financial and economic accounts for South Africa. The Minister of Finance in 1996 announced and pledged that South Africa would adhere to the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) introduced by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In terms of this pledge, the Head of the Research Department of the South African Reserve Bank was appointed as co-ordinator and correspondent to the IMF on all aspects relating to the SDDS. According to this standard, regular and timeous information on a number of data categories must be released to the public. By maintaining a high level of transparency of macroeconomic data, the perceived risk of doing business with South Africa is reduced, contributing to improved credit ratings and lower risk premia when accessing international financial markets. The information gathered from respondents is aggregated and published as such in the Quarterly Bulletin of the South African Reserve Bank and on the Bank’s website. Information submitted by the various institutions is not published per individual organisation and strict confidentiality is observed.
See attachment for more detail.