The SARB compiles high-quality economic and financial statistics based on international best practice for use by policymakers, financial market participants and the general public. These statistics inform the SARB’s monetary policy decisions and are regularly updated. They can be found online and in various SARB publications, along with a detailed analysis thereof.
The Quarterly Bulletin analyses domestic and international economic and financial market developments. It also contains statistical tables and notes on methodological statistical issues, and examines topics relevant at the time of publication.
Supplements are published from time to time to complement information covered in the Quarterly Bulletin and provide insights on issues such as a significant review or historical rebasing of selected economic data.
Please see the documents for tables here.
Guides are aimed specifically at businesses and companies, providing them with guidelines for completing surveys and returns based on correct macroeconomic statistics principles required by the SARB. The classification guide allows respondents to classify counterparties to any transaction into correct institutional sectors.
The monthly release is a summary of selected monthly monetary and economic statistics, which are also published in the SARB’s Quarterly Bulletin.
Form surveys are questionnaires specifically designed for statistical purposes to measure South Africa's economy and compile official statements of the economic accounts.
Banking sector information
Composite business cycle indicators
Economic and financial data for South Africa
External debt
Gold and foreign exchange position (time series)
International investment position
Monthly release of selected data
Online statistical query (historical macroeconomic time series information)
South African Benchmark Overnight Rate (Sabor)
Template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity
Balance of payments: International trade in goods and services
Current account release
Next due: 24 Nov 2022
Key statistics
Quarterly Bulletin
Institutional sector classification guide for SA
C form guide
Advance release calendar
If you have further questions about statistics, please do not hesitate to contact us.